Top tips for a Better Work/Life Balance

Top tips for a Better Work/Life Balance

A recent survey by the Office of National Statistics showed nearly a fifth of businesses intend to use a higher level of homeworking permanently in the future. It seems clear that working from home is something a lot of us need to accept and adapt to long...
5 Reasons to use Cashflow Modelling

5 Reasons to use Cashflow Modelling

John Whitehead, our resident Cashflow guru, delves into 5 reasons why you should use Cashflow Modelling with your clients. 1. Communicate your plan in a different language Not everyone understands the figures and in some cases, clients and/or their partners actively...
Dauntless Despite Dyspraxia

Dauntless Despite Dyspraxia

Dauntless is the perfect word to sum up my little boy, Harry.  He shows fearlessness and determination in everything he does, which has stood him in good stead since being giving a working diagnosis of Dyspraxia. Dyspraxia, as stated by the Dyspraxia...
Mortgage Musical Chairs

Mortgage Musical Chairs

Among the many negative effects of Covid-19 to the financial services industry, is the limiting and indeed, total withdrawal of high Loan to Value products from the mortgage market. The last few weeks and months have been a veritable hokey cokey of lenders relaunching...